Vinyl Seating

We have a range of vinyls designed for seating applications. The Seating Vinyls range has a more heavy duty type of application than does the Furniture Range.

These ranges include:

Seating Light

This is an entry level seating vinyl recommended for non-contact areas such as headboards and sides and backs of seats.
This product is typically 550g-650g per square meter, and is around 0.8mm thick.

Seating Midi

This is a medium duty seating upholstery product which is designed for contact areas.
The product is post lacquered for increased lifespan and cleanability.
The typical weight per square meter is 700g, with thickness being about 0.9-1.0 mm.

Seating Heavy Duty

This is a heavier duty seating Vinyl, with a thicker PVC layer than the Seating Midi.
The product is also post lacquered for increased lifespan and cleanability.
The typical weight per square meter is 900g, with the product thickness being approximately 1.3-1.4 mm thick.

For up to date information on the various colours and widths available as stock items, please contact your nearest sales centre as listed in our contacts section.

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